Accept, Father God of infinite goodness,
this eucharistic prayer,
in which we want to express to you
our most sincere thanksgiving.
it is not right that you are not noticed
by an enormous majority of human beings.
Nor is it right that those of us who believe we know you best
hardly remember You and live without taking you into account,
blinded by unimportant matters.
You are our centre and essence, the driving force of our whole being.
We must make reference to you continuously in our actions.
Help us to discover you within us,
make us conscious of your presence in our lives.
All of us together,
in a cry which we wish was of all humanity,
we raise to You this prayer of faith in You
and this simple canticle of praise.
Memorial of the Lord's Supper
We call to mind thankfully, Father,
how Jesus entered our history.
Thanks to him, trying to understand his words,
following his path, we are discovering You,
and making you an important part of our lives.
After listening to the good news
that Jesus has revealed to us about You
we know that you are not a God of justice whom we must fear,
but a good God
who merits being loved more than anyone.
And you have also taught us that it is by loving
and serving others
that this is the only way in which we can identify ourselves with you.
We believe you live within us
and we don't need to die to know you.
We are sure that it was by prayer
and in his daily contact with you
that Jesus found his strength
to live in the strain of his total delivery.
Invocation to the Spirit of God
We have just remembered, Father God,
the life of your beloved son Jesus,
who was exemplary until his death and union with You.
In him you achieved the utopìa dreamt by You for mankind.
You showed us that another world is possible,
and that other men and women are possible.
We want to hope trusting
in the coming of a mature humanity,
at peace, generous, cooperative, full of your spirit.
Hope is possible.
Jesus called himself the son of man
to make us see that the first and last step
is simply to grow every day in humanity,
and to reach meriting the glory of being truly human beings.
We cannot forget, Lord,
that you don't like making miracles,
that we have to make the miracles,
that each one of us has every day to continue creating
that new and fraternal world that we anxiously desire.
We offer you our best will of service
and feeling that your dear son Jesus,
our elder brother, is with us,
we offer you this prayer, our God and Father.
Rafael Calvo
Traducción de Hugo Castelli