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Thank you, holy Father, merciful God

because you love us in a way we will never understand

and you don't take into account

our numerous falls and weaknesses.

Thank you, Father, for your boundless mercy,

you are our refuge and consolation

and you make us participants of your very being,

of your life, the true life, which remains for ever.

We will never tire of praising your name,

because we always find in You

understanding for our faults

and strength and encouragement to change our lives and continue our path.

We are happy to realise

that you are our dear Father and Mother.

And feeling ourselves to be your children we bless you

and we lift up to You this hymn of glory and praise.


Memorial to the Lord's Supper


We remember with emotion, Father God, your son Jesus.

Throughout his whole life, he was always trying

to make us see and feel that you are a good Father.

He repeated to us in a thousand ways the good news of your love

and he explained with simple parables how you are,

like the story of that father, full of love,

who goes out to pardon and embrace his son,

or like that shepherd who leaves his ninety nine sheep

and goes searching for the lost sheep.

Jesus was a good man, he believed in You and imitated you in everything.


Invocation to the Spirit of God


Father, send us your Spirit, that never let Jesus down.

Don't allow us to continue to give such a poor testimony,

we who present ourselves to the world as christians.

Grant us your strength to take a pace forwards

in our path of conversion towards You.

Give us a simple heart, to know our mistakes,

and a generous heart, to understand others.

Enlighten our decisions in the cause of justice.

Make us conscious of the immense and urgent task

facing us and demand our best efforts to right wrongs.

We want our lives to be a reflection of your goodness,

we want to straighten your ways, for you to reign in this world,

for everyone to respect you, love you and bless you.

In the presence of your son Jesus

and with all people of goodwill

we promise to be faithful to you and we give a pledge for your honour.



Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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