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We want to make known to you, Father God,

our greatest thanks and our great joy,

on hearing such good news,

that is the cause for rejoicing of all your people,

because on a day like today was born Jesus,

your emissary, the saviour, who makes us free.

We happily commemorate

the first moments of Jesus on earth.

Thank you, Father, for sending to us

Jesus of Nazareth, who is a light for all humanity.

Very contented and sincerely thankful

for the presence of Jesus amongst us,

we address you, Father of Jesus and our Father,

to demonstrate our fillial affection

with this song of blessing.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper

All the days of our lives

but especially today

we must give you thanks and bless your name, Father,

for the incomparable privilege of having known Jesus.

He was born in a humble village family,

he grew up in a simple work environment

and from his parents he learnt to meditate in prayer

and respect you and love you.

He spent his life in this world doing good,

sowing good ideas and spreading human warmth,

transmitting his faith in You and in humanity.

Through him, our God and Father,

we have learnt that you are all goodness and love

and that that is what you want us to be too,

that we mustn't look for being served by others but do the serving ourselves,

be useful and provide our grain of sand

to building a better world.


Invocation to the Spìrit of God

He came to his own people and only a few accepted him.

For preaching love and proclaiming truth

he was condemned to death.

But You, his Father, welcomed him with affection

and today he lives amongst us.

That is our faith in your son Jesus.

When we conscientiously celebrate Christmas we undertake an obligation.

We must proclaim your message of life and liberty

to all men and all women

of goodwill who today live on this earth.

On this familiar and special date,

we remember those who are no longer with us

and who are sure now to enjoy your company.

Bless you, holy Father, we want to honour you

and become more united than ever to your son Jesus

who accompanied us throughout history,

and we offer you our lives to your great glory.



Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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