Like the first disciples
we dare to say "increase our faith",
since today we feel out of sorts
with our inspiration deadened
even though we are celebrating the year of faith
and the golden anniversary of the Council
which brought the springtime of your kingdom.
Shake us up, like a baby with a rattle,
so that our faith wakes up and flowers
and becomes like that little mustard seed
which breaks open and grows far higher than other plants;
or dissolve us, like the way salt dissolves
to provide seasoning and thus discovers its usefulness,
by giving itself and disappearing.
In this way, we will tear down the mountains,
jump over the walls that imprison us,
neither laws nor calculations will be able to hold us,
and we will discover the value of little things,
we will follow your steps and your footprints,
we will retain the hope that keeps us going
and the light you give us shall shine on the horizon.
In the present times,
so marked by frivolity and power,
and in which words have lost their meaning,
facts their truth,
and many people have lost their dignity,
make us servants of your desires
by doing what we have to do.
We, Lord, want to follow you,
and being conscious of this moment
and although these decisions are out of fashion
we desire a grown up faith
which gives us cheerfulness and strength
to share your life and your footprints
with an evangelical attitude.
Give us faith, a little faith,
enough to follow you,
through the paths of history,
which lead on before us
or that we can discover,
so we don't get lost and can be happy
together with you and all our brothers!
"Everything is possible for the person who believes"
Engrave on our hearts with your flesh and blood,
this good and surprising news,
that becomes a flame to enlighten and burn us,
so that in our weakness we become strong
and we know how to announce it in your banquet
and wherever you send us.
I believe, Lord, but increase my faith!
We believe, Lord, but increase our faith!
Florentino Ulibarri
Traducción de Hugo Castelli