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* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We give you thanks, Father, for the faith we have in You.

We confess that You are our God, the God of everyone.

Although we believe in You,

we don't manage to love you with all our strength,

with all our hearts and with all our minds.

We remember you and we search for you in an apathetic way

in our needs or in the free time

that our daily worries leave us.

Losing our compass point we want to find you

by complying with norms and laws, possibly demonstrating

a formal sanctity that doesn't interest you in the slightest.

Your Kingdom is bound on a real and effective love,

for everyone with everyone,

that is not a second commandment but the one and only one

since the only way we have of loving you,

is by loving our neighbours,

truly, with all our heart,

even more than how we love ourselves.

We want to show your glory by our deeds,

but also by our words,

and although we know that you are not content with praises,

because you expect a lot more from those who believe in You,

we feel happy when we offer you this prayer

and bless your name.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper


May you be blessed, God, for giving us the present of your son Jesus.

He is the shining lighthouse that draws us to our meeting with you.

We thank him for his accurate and simple guidance

in a straight path without bends in the road.

Through him we know that you don't like incense,

that you are bored with so many ceremonies,

and we must love you outside the temple,

at home, in the street, at work,

that we love you when we love life,

helping our brothers,

sheltering those who are afraid,

preventing anyone from being hungry.

Jesus taught us by his words and his example

that the greatest happiness of a person is to know their usefulness,

that the fortunate are those who are naturally

disinterested and generous,

that by giving, you achieve results

and by sowing, you harvest.

The centre of this community celebration

consists in taking up the relay baton that Jesus left us

and accepting the consequences.


Invocation to the Spirit of God


This is the sacrament, the sign of Jesus's giving.

This must also be our sacrament,

the sign of our dedication to others.

We want, holy Father,

You to be the principal protagonist of our lives.

But we don't want to get confused by religiosity.

Fill us with your Spirit,

so that we can see you in our neighbours,

and give them our most authentic affection

that come from within, without any egoistic interests,

loving without expecting anything in return.

We must make ourselves responsible for those who are having a hard time,

since it is our responsibility, not yours,

for erradicating evil from this poor Earth

which we illtreat every day.

We want Jesus's beatitudes to become a reality

to the extent that affects us,

sharing and making the poor less poor,

helping those who most need it,

consoling those who suffer and weep in silence,

cooperating with those who work for peace.

Through Jesus and in his presence, we bless you, Father God.



Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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