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Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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Today, like every other day of all our lives,

we must give you thanks, Father God,

for our very existence and for the tremendous miracle of life

which you have poured out amongst us.

Thank you, holy Father, for inspiring your Spirit

on so many good persons who look after our sick, disabled, dying brothers.

Thank you for those women who have changed their lives

to look after their neighbours so far away from their homes.

Blessed are you, Father, for so many men and women

who perchance don't think they are doing anything out of the ordinary

but, every day, give y their love to others

and know how to share what they are

and the little or much that they possess.

For all of them we thank you

and we proclaim your glory

singing this hymn to your holiness.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper


Father of goodness, thanks once again for Jesus,

a just man, through whom you have deigned to

show and reveal yourself to humanity.

We know this thanks to Jesus,

because he was always a faifhful reflection of your thoughts,

since you don't appreciate those who give away their surplus

but those capable of generously sharing

their life and their goods.

We know from Jesus that you are not pleased by

those who are anxious for the best places

and want to be reverenced by others.

We know from Jesus that any person, whatsoever,

is always more important than rules and regulations

and he taught us to pray with confidence and humility.

We know from Jesus that the most important thing is that

all humanity participates united and with longing

in your project, to make a more just and human world.

Jesus moulded his teaching in his own life.


Invocation to the Spirit of God


Here we are, Father God, and we humbly ask you

to inspire your Spirit of love, the spirit of Jesus in us.

Don't allow those of us who call ourselves christians

and followers of Jesus,

to continue any longer to invalidate your authentic message

with rites and formalisms.

We have show that we follow you

by our works of mercy

and explain to everyone that the project of your Kingdom

is not exclusively christian

but that the message that Jesus gave us from you

is that it is for all humanity,

for all human beings

without any exceptions of race, culture or religion.

We must feel

truly brothers of everyone, both rich and poor,

christians, jews, muslims, buddhists,

believers and non-believers,

and all together raise up to You,

our prayers of thanks and blessing.


Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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