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Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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We raise to you, most loving Father, this prayer

to express our most sincere thanks

for everything you have done for us.

To try and correspond,

we offer you these prayers of praise

and we join with all people of goodwill

to work with them

to build a more just world that can live in peace.

We know that would be your greater glory.

With all our love,

we praise you, we adore you, we thank you

and we bless your name, God and Father of mercy.

You alone are holy ,

only You merit the name of Father and Mother.

Kindly listen to this hymn we recite in your honour.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper

We have a very clear image of Jesus on the cross

and we do not know how to thank him

for all he did and suffered for us.

We believe he lives in You, Father God,

and we also feel he lives with us.

His company brightens our lives

and his light shines on the path we have to follow.

For this reason, we are content.

We don't want to forget the testament that Jesus left us,

in that last supper

when he knelt down in front of his friends,

as an example of service to others

and gave us his message of generosity.


Invocation to the Spirit of God

Our Mother and Father,

following the wishes of your son, Jesus,

we engage not so much to repeat the eucharistic signs

but mould in our lives the generosity that they signify.

We know, although it seems arrogance on our part,

that we must be your hands and act in your place every day,

God wholly loving and in no way powerful,

dealing with the entreatments of our brothers,

having pity on those who suffer most

and eliminating from our world

avarice, corruption, abuses, injustice.

We need the effusions of your Spirit upon us,

because we want to transform the world using our own criteria,

which each day is resulting more and more abject and self-interested

and adopt instead the revolutionary ways of being and acting

of Jesus, which we know to be yours.

Help us to carry out the immense task

of reconstruction of the Kingdom,

help not only those who form part of your Church

but also all human beings

who are working for a similar objective.

We now end this prayer giving thanks for the love

with which you have welcomed Jesus in your breast

and also all our deceased friends.

For all this, we bless your name, our God and Lord,

and we dedicate ourselves to endeavour always to achieve your greater glory.



Rafael Calvo

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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