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Libro de la biblia

* Cita biblica


Fecha de Creación (Inicio - Fin)



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Lord, we confess You are the only God

whom we bless from all the religions of the universe.

Therefore, joining together with all believers in the world,

we address this prayer to give you thanks, holy Father,

for showing us the path of universal love,

which we must follow to identify ourselves with you.

Your total love knows no privileges of race nor religion.

For you we are all equal, equally loved.

Thank you, Father, we want to feel ourselves your sons,

feeling ourselves brothers of everyone,

especially of those most in need,

the disinherited of this earth.

Proud to be part of your great family,

all human beings and all creation,

sing thankfully this hymn of praise.


Memorial of the Lord's Supper

You are holy and good, Father God

and in your image and nature lived Jesus,

a holy and good man, doing good, loving you in spirit and truth,

without more requirements than a lot of fraternal love.

He came to free us from all kinds of religions based on rules,

on false safeties.

We want to be receptive

to the revolutionary message of Jesus:

thanks to him, we know you are not interested in

formal or superficial prayers,

and that the only thing that stains a human being

is acting with a bad conscience,

and that you want us to be free and authentic,

but, resolutely, dedicated to the Kingdom.

This is now our vocation: to carry out the great task

of making the happy the unhappy.

Thank you, Father for the testimony of Jesus.

We are so sorry it cost him his life.


Invocation to the Spirit of God

Thank you, Father God,

for the unparalleled example of Jesus of Nazareth.

Thanks to him we have learnt,

although we may have forgotten afterwards,

that you are not a God that likes to dwell

in great temples and cathedrals,

but you prefer the intimate and personal prayer

to the most solemn ritual.

We also want to thank you

for having moved the hearts of so many good people:

missionaries, cooperation volunteers, whether or not they profess any religion,

who live together with those who most suffer

and console them and help them.

They are the most treasured possession of humanity.

May their example, like that of Jesus,

make us more cooperative, dedicated to others

and to campaign to make your Kingdom become a reality.

By your son, Jesus, who has called us and accompanies us,

we bless you now, holy Father,

proclaiming the brotherhood which must unite us

with all human beings.



Rafael Calvo Beca

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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