Vicky IrigarayGood God, you know we aren't always whole heartedly thankful to you and to all the men and women who cross our lives. We want to present you with our needs with the certainty that you listen to us and love us.
Father, teach us to be thankful
• For all those of us who search and want to follow you, so we may be cheerful men and women, fully conscious of all that you give us each day.
Father, teach us to be thankful
• For all those who suffer from sickness, lack of liberty, for not having work, so that they find in us, friendly people, who give a welcome and cooperate with them.
Father, teach us to be thankful
• For all men and women who work taking care of people: the sick, the old, the excluded, prisoners, the unemployed, so that with their gestures, words and actions they may bring hope.
Father, teach us to be thankful
• For all those who live their lives without hope or meaning, so that you, Father, through us, can make yourself present in their lives filling them with meaningful activity,
Father, teach us to be thankful
Thank you, Father, because your are here listening to us, welcoming us and loving us. Teach us to live in a permanent thankfulness, we ask this in the name of your Son Jesus.
Vicky Irigaray
Traducción de Hugo Castelli