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The pharisee was convinced he merited God's favours and we also, at times, are quite sure of our merits and we dare to demand what we believe is right for us. We must present our needs to God and trust in Him.

Good God, grant us a simple heart.

* We offer to you, dear God, the whole Church, all of us who want to follow your son Jesus, make our whole lives be a sacrament of your presence amongst women and men.

Good God, grant us a simple heart.

* We offer to you, dear God, all men and women who live in difficulties, make them find in us the help that they need and may we be always ready to welcome them without bias.

Good God, grant us a simple heart.

* We offer to you, dear God, all those who have the responsibility of governing our institutions so that in their task they search for the best way to help those who are badly off.

Good God, grant us a simple heart.

* We offer to you, dear God, the countries that are at war so that they put an end to violence and search for peace by means of dialogue and meeting each other.

Good God, grant us a simple heart.

Father, these needs and those that each one of us carry in our hearts we want to make our best offering today. Thank you, because you listen to us and take care of us.


Vicky Irigaray

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 2812 times
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