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Like the air, we need you.

Like a fire, you keep our homes going.

Like the earth, you show you are flexible.

Like the waters of a river, we enjoy your cries and noise.

Like flowers, you have a thousand colours and scents.

Like the light, you show us the way.

Like the wind, you blow the gospel to us.

Like the fields, you are the place for cultivation.

Like salt, you season the world.

Like the grain of wheat...

you are and you're not yet what we hope for...


May the Lord, who became a little one like you,

bless you with all his heart, word and hand,

so that you may become what is expected

without ceasing to be air, fire, earth, water,

flowers, light, wind, fields, salt and grain....,

human persons always, small or great,

for those of us who love you.


In the name of the Father,

of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.


Florentino Ulibarri

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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