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Isaiah reminds us that God calls us by our name and takes us by the hand so we may open the eyes of the blind and grant liberty to the oppressed. Let us remember now all those who await the Good News of the Kingdom.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

For the whole Church extended over the wide world, so that it may be a space where everyone finds welcome, understanding and affection.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

For all believers, so that we may feel ourselves to be truly chosen, supported and called by God and go contagiously demonstrating the happiness and good fortune of being believers.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

For all men and women who wait for and need to hear the Good News, so that in their lives they may find people who can console them, support them and heal them.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

For all those who will be baptised this year, so that they may find in the Church a place to grow in faith, in service and in goodness.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

For our parents and grandparents, so that all that they taught us and gave us may make us men and women builders of peace, justice and fraternity.

Father God, may we live like baptised people.

Padre Dios, in the feast of the Baptism of your Son, we want to renew our baptism and our desire to follow you and proclaim your Kingdon. Teach us, by means of your Son, to live according to his dream for a just and fraternal humanity.


Vicky Irigaray

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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