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We ask God, who knows better than anyone our worries and our needs, to continue to guide us in our daily lives

• For all Christians, for all those who call you something else, Father and for all those who don't know you so that we can enjoy knowing we are persons inhabited by you.

Teach us to present you, our Father God

• For the Church, so each day it can become increasingly liberating, cheerful, merciful and a true shepherd of all the sheep.

Teach us to present you, our Father God

• For all those in positions of responsability for the common good, so they can carry out their work with a fraternal spirit

Teach us to present you, our Father God .

• For those who suffer hunger, loneliness, violence, injustice, sickness and discapacities, so that we, your people, know how to accompany them and make their life easier

Teach us to present you, our Father God

• For all the stressed, disenchanted, disillusioned, unloved, depressed, and bad humoured persons, so that you may warm their hearts.

Teach us to present you, our Father God.

Good Father God, make us be your presence, wherever we are, each one of us, and make us infected by your peace, your serenity, your justice and your mercy. Amen.


Mari Patxi Ayerra

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