José Antonio PagolaThe lack of hope is generating profound changes among us that we don't always know how to grasp. Almost without our realizing it, policies oriented toward a more human life are disappearing from our horizon. Each day we talk less about programs of liberation or of projects that seek greater justice and solidarity among peoples.
When the future becomes dark, we all look for security. Let nothing change, we're all doing good. Don't let anyone endanger our welfare. This isn't the time to think about grand ideals of justice for all, but time to defend order and tranquility.
It seems that we don't know how to go beyond this almost instinctive reaction. Experts tell us that the grave environmental problems, the phenomenon of desperate terrorism or the growing pursuit of the hungry that penetrates societies of welfare don't seem to be provoking any deep change in the personal lives of individuals. Only fear and the search for security. Each one tries to enjoy the maximum of their small welfare.
Without doubt, many of us feel a strange sensation of guilt, shame and sadness. In addition, we feel a form of complicity for our indifference and our incapability to react. Deep down we don't want to know anything about a new world, we only think about our security.
Christian sources have preserved a call of Jesus for catastrophic times: «Stay awake, be on your guard». What do these words mean? Arouse ourselves from a life that easily runs toward selfishness? Wake up from the frivolity that surrounds us constantly, keeping us from hearing the voice of our conscience? Free ourselves from indifference and resignation?
Oughtn't our Christian community be a privileged place to learn to live awake, without closing our eyes, without escaping from the world, without trying to love God by turning our backs on those who suffer?
José Antonio Pagola
Translator: Fr. Jay VonHandorf
Publicado en www.gruposdejesus.com