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God grants us his peace and consoles us in our difficulties, as a mother consoles her children. Let us lift up our prayers to our Father God with the confidence that He always wants the best for us.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

• For all the followers of Jesus, so that we may become witnesses of the God who looks after and worries about us.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

• For all men and women who work looking after those who suffer from illness or exclusion, so that God may grant them the gift of happiness for providing solace in the midst of suffering.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

• For all those who suffer from lack of work, from not being able to pay the mortgage of their homes, so that their difficulties may awaken our solidarity.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

• For children, young people and adults, so that they may listen about how God calls us and sends us to build a world in peace.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

• For the members of our family and friends who are enjoying being with God, so that their memory drives us to be better each day.

Father, make us instruments of your peace.

Listen good God to our prayers. Teach us to be your followers and don't ever allow us to forget how much you love us.


Vicky Irigaray

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

Read 2445 times
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