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With our confidence placed in the Father, we present our needs and those of all men and women.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

* For all those of us who want to follow Jesus, so that we don't forget that God invites us to make his Kingdon a reality amongst us.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

* For all those who have special responsibilities in the Church, Pope Francis, the bishops, priests, male and female members of religious orders, pastoral agents, so that they may be living signs of the God who lives with us.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

* For all men and women who suffer for any reason, so that they find in us, believers in Jesus of Nazareth, welcome, proximity and solidarity.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

* For our families so that our homes are areas of peace and fraternity.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

* For all our relations and friends that are no longer with us, so that they may always enjoy the company of God.

Father, look after us and dwell in us.

Listen, Father, to our petitions. Make us men and women with an inner life so that each day we may take care to improve our telationship with you since we are sure that this will help us to be better persons.


Vicky Irigaray

Traducción de Hugo Castelli

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